From the Land of the Rising Sun

Happy New Year

Being seen

Broken, a strangely beautiful composition

2B or not 2B

A little quiet, a little dark but jolly in the middle


Batten down the hatches

Collage by deborah harris, using an image of Botero's sculpted head.

Our bookstore has expanded

Something Fishy Going On

The Ladder Bookstore

Tree pruning is an acrobatic art

What is a portrait?


A portrait is a painting, photograph, sculpture, or other artistic representation of a person, in which the face is always predominant.

In arts, a portrait can be represented as half body and even full body.

If the subject in full body better represents personality and mood, this type of presentation may be chosen.

The intent is to display the likeness, personality, and even the mood of the person.

The Fourth Experiment

Playing with spaces

by Sae Kimura

by deborah harris

Feeling like this

Passing Figures

Stretched Inside of Time

The Meeting...Whose in charge here?

Season of the Reindeer

Photographs from the book 'GENESIS'

by Sebastiao Salgado

One of many

Wild Life

Friday's healthy suggestion

We are thinking about our dear friend Yayo.

"Hi Yayo!"

Two full or empty

Yesterdays not quite dead fish

Tuesday with Picasso

Matador 1970 by Pablo Picasso

Friday surprise


At the table

Painting by Mark Rothko

Love thy neighbour...


crossing the desert

carrying what is left of the flag

face hidden beneath the stars.


Sheep huddle a distance behind

they do not know if she is friend or foe,

they don't remember when she was their shepherd,

when she kept them safe.

Liberty: freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or control.

freedom from external or foreign rule; independence.

freedom from control, thinking, speaking , according to choice.

freedom from captivity, confinement, or physical restraint:

A long climb up

...and then what?

Ghost Sightings (must be Halloween)

Influenced from the day before

Musical Interlude

Joseph Lammirato generously constructs and installs his works on telephone poles

on streets in cities far and wide. He has created these new works and hung them on

the wall surrounding the outside courtyard at the gallery. It seems when you stand

next to them that you are seeing music written on the fence.

Please come and visit.

What is Art?

Improvisation on Chagall

Marc Chagall

The Bride and Groom of the Eiffel Tower (1938-39).

Pigeons know how to fly!

Watching the clouds go by

What the birds are wearing

Thank goodness it's Friday!

The Second Experiment

Collage by Sae Kimura


Small Moves, the first experiment

Light and Shadow


I have a little bit of headache

Collage by deborah harris

Being Here and There

going through the papers

Also in the collage gallery

High Sky

New Genesis Gallery

8 new works in collage gallery

By Eduard Zibnitski

Looking out the window

The Cowgirls Visit

Installation in the main gallery

Charcoal drawing by Vivian Felsen

First Fall



Something Fishy

Holding change as an unopened flower

Climbing ladders

The mystery of objects out of context






finding a fragment of an image


left lying on the table.


Every semblance of identity removed


and what remains?


eye and nose, closely cropped


looking at a single point of focus,  me


when I return that stare..


The face, incomplete


seeks another eye.


In paisley landscape what seems to be


an inward gaze and where the lines converge and twist


small circle, questioning, surprised,


a mouth


The features are expressed.




Without a body the face is a mask.


A body gives place to a face.


When it sits the face can nestle


drop in between the shoulders


chin slide towards resolve.






make agreement with visage


spontaneously sharing a language


known by habit.




Legs and arms are limbs from the same tree.


They may have sprouted from the head, roots


from the lima bean experiment in grade one.




The possibility of moving is in the feet


or of waiting




to stay or to go.




Going is compact but serious.


Staying is inappropriate in the rough terrain


but tempting.


She could almost disappear in the surroundings


is porcelain against the rocks.




Light blushes crystal


bewitching time at sunset


sacred and auspicious,


to be here now.





Harvesting Sunflowers

Photographs by Simeon Posen on exhibit in the photography gallery


Five Paintings

In retreat

Mark Rothko, Woman Reading 1933

Tasting a colour

The sun descends

Enter the light

On the road to somewhere

Tis the season of the skunks!


Moving towards the space between

It is observable that opposite colours

have a tension and a vibration between

them. A dynamic reverberation which

infuses the space between them.


A Gift Received

Big Little Lion

This collage was made for a little big Leo friend, Oto, for his 4th birthday.

Big energy in a  small body.

Still life with candle when the power is out

Still Life with White Cups

Hot as Hades

How do you know what you know?

A little bird told me so.

Just pretending to fish

We will resume the blog on Tuesday August 13th.


Be well.

Feeling hot and slow, almost on vacation

Four eyes, four legs, four hands, four letters

Who let the cat's in?

Stay Cool

Sitting on Eggs


The Art of Boro


Boro (ぼろ) are a class of Japanese textiles that have been mended or patched together.[1] The term is derived from the Japanese term "boroboro", meaning something tattered or repaired.[2] The term 'boro' typically refers to cotton, linen and hemp materials, mostly hand-woven by peasant farmers, that have been stitched or re-woven together to create an often many-layered material used for warm, practical clothing.


Butterfly landing in nature's collage

"Artists together"...

                              ...as our friend Floyd Kuptana used to say.

Elemental Beings

Singin' in the Rain

Friday Assembly


Video installation by Joachim Oepkes

A Rainy Day in July

Panning for Gold

Red meets yellow

Looking for red

From one room to another

something to be explored

Questions open doors

...answers close them


                                       try to keep asking

A Pissarro Day

  Berneval Meadows Morning

Camille Pissarro 1830-1903


A little bit of matcha green

(It looks bigger because it's closer than the boot)

Play Day