- 03/25/2025 - Manifesting Mystery
- 03/21/2025 - Life is a Circus
- 03/20/2025 - Feeling a bit under the weather
- 03/19/2025 - behind the thread
- 03/14/2025 - Collage Friday Part 1
- 03/14/2025 - Collage Friday Part 2
- 03/14/2025 - Collage Friday Part 3
- 03/13/2025 - Sometimes Cowgirls get the Blues...
- 03/12/2025 - Under Water
- 03/11/2025 - The days are growing longer
- 03/07/2025 - Three Way Collage
- 03/06/2025 - The dividing line
- 03/05/2025 - A Wet Day
- 03/04/2025 - The season is spring when you have lunch with friends
- 02/28/2025 - A Feeling of Today
- 02/27/2025 - rocks
- 02/26/2025 - Hard boiled egg day
- 02/25/2025 - The Big Melt
- 02/20/2025 - On a cold day ...a warm quilt
- 02/19/2025 - Windy City
- 02/19/2025 - Sun on Snow
- 02/18/2025 - Surrounded by an abundance of white
- 02/14/2025 - Happy Valentine Day
- 02/13/2025 - Snowed In
- 02/12/2025 - Trying to decipher
- 02/11/2025 - The Herald of Coming Good
- 02/07/2025 - Cold Bright Light
- 02/06/2025 - Be Nice Clear Your Ice
- 02/05/2025 - Being surprised by what is possible
- 02/04/2025 - Sitting at the opening to the unknown
- 01/31/2025 - Layers of reality
- 01/30/2025 - Today's Coffee Break
- 01/29/2025 - Mutually Regarding
- 01/28/2025 - Resurrecting the blog
- 01/01/2025 - From the Land of the Rising Sun
- 12/20/2024 - Being seen
- 12/19/2024 - Broken, a strangely beautiful composition
- 12/18/2024 - 2B or not 2B
- 12/17/2024 - A little quiet, a little dark but jolly in the middle
- 12/13/2024 - TGIF
- 12/12/2024 - Batten down the hatches
- 12/11/2024 - Our bookstore has expanded
- 12/10/2024 - Something Fishy Going On
- 12/06/2024 - The Ladder Bookstore
- 12/05/2024 - Tree pruning is an acrobatic art
- 12/04/2024 - What is a portrait?
- 12/03/2024 - The Fourth Experiment
- 11/29/2024 - Playing with spaces
- 11/28/2024 - Feeling like this
- 11/27/2024 - Passing Figures
- 11/26/2024 - Stretched Inside of Time
- 11/22/2024 - The Meeting...Whose in charge here?
- 11/21/2024 - Season of the Reindeer
- 11/20/2024 - One of many
- 11/19/2024 - Wild Life
- 11/15/2024 - Friday's healthy suggestion
- 11/14/2024 - Two full or empty
- 11/13/2024 - Yesterdays not quite dead fish
- 11/12/2024 - Tuesday with Picasso
- 11/08/2024 - Friday surprise
- 11/07/2024 - Grateful
- 11/06/2024 - At the table
- 11/05/2024 - Love thy neighbour...
- 11/01/2024 - A long climb up
- 10/31/2024 - Ghost Sightings (must be Halloween)
- 10/30/2024 - Influenced from the day before
- 10/29/2024 - Musical Interlude
- 10/25/2024 - What is Art?
- 10/24/2024 - Improvisation on Chagall
- 10/23/2024 - Pigeons know how to fly!
- 10/22/2024 - Watching the clouds go by
- 10/18/2024 - What the birds are wearing
- 10/17/2024 - The Second Experiment
- 10/16/2024 - Fall
- 10/15/2024 - Small Moves, the first experiment
- 10/11/2024 - Light and Shadow
- 10/10/2024 - Illumination
- 10/09/2024 - I have a little bit of headache
- 10/08/2024 - Being Here and There
- 10/04/2024 - going through the papers
- 10/03/2024 - Also in the collage gallery
- 10/02/2024 - High Sky
- 10/01/2024 - New Genesis Gallery
- 09/27/2024 - 8 new works in collage gallery
- 09/26/2024 - Looking out the window
- 09/25/2024 - The Cowgirls Visit
- 09/24/2024 - First Fall
- 09/20/2024 - Aligned
- 09/19/2024 - Revolving
- 09/18/2024 - Something Fishy
- 09/17/2024 - Holding change as an unopened flower
- 09/13/2024 - Climbing ladders
- 09/12/2024 - The mystery of objects out of context
- 09/11/2024 - Waiting
- 09/10/2024 - Harvesting Sunflowers
- 09/06/2024 - TGIF
- 09/05/2024 - Five Paintings
- 09/04/2024 - In retreat
- 09/03/2024 - Tasting a colour
- 08/30/2024 - The sun descends
- 08/29/2024 - Enter the light
- 08/29/2024 - On the road to somewhere
- 08/27/2024 - Tis the season of the skunks!
- 08/23/2024 - Prayer
- 08/23/2024 - Moving towards the space between
- 08/21/2024 - A Gift Received
- 08/21/2024 - Big Little Lion
- 08/17/2024 - Still life with candle when the power is out
- 08/15/2024 - Still Life with White Cups
- 08/14/2024 - Hot as Hades
- 08/13/2024 - How do you know what you know?
- 08/02/2024 - Just pretending to fish
- 08/01/2024 - Feeling hot and slow, almost on vacation
- 07/31/2024 - Four eyes, four legs, four hands, four letters
- 07/30/2024 - Who let the cat's in?
- 07/26/2024 - Stay Cool
- 07/25/2024 - Sitting on Eggs
- 07/24/2024 - Rain
- 07/23/2024 - The Art of Boro
- 07/19/2024 - Butterfly landing in nature's collage
- 07/18/2024 - "Artists together"...
- 07/17/2024 - Elemental Beings
- 07/16/2024 - Singin' in the Rain
- 07/12/2024 - Friday Assembly
- 07/11/2024 - Faces
- 07/10/2024 - A Rainy Day in July
- 07/09/2024 - Panning for Gold
- 07/05/2024 - Red meets yellow
- 07/04/2024 - Looking for red
- 07/03/2024 - From one room to another
- 07/02/2024 - Questions open doors
- 06/27/2024 - A Pissarro Day
- 06/26/2024 - A little bit of matcha green
- 06/25/2024 - Play Day
- 06/21/2024 - Inspired
- 06/20/2024 - Chillin'
- 06/20/2024 - In the heat of the moment
- 06/18/2024 - Shades of black and white
- 06/14/2024 - Observing the creative process
- 06/13/2024 - Almost Falling Over
- 06/12/2024 - Too Much to Attend to...
- 06/11/2024 - May I have compassion
- 06/07/2024 - Overcoming Their Differences
- 06/06/2024 - A show of hands
- 06/05/2024 - Revealing what is just below the surface
- 06/04/2024 - Aligned with the center
- 05/31/2024 - In the pink
- 05/30/2024 - Beauty is a gift
- 05/29/2024 - Sharing Inspiration
- 05/28/2024 - Joyful
- 05/24/2024 - Ascending to the top floor
- 05/23/2024 - The writing is on the wall
- 05/22/2024 - Out of the boudoir into the feild, a collage journey
- 05/21/2024 - A fugue in three movements
- 05/17/2024 - Crow complains and Eagle listens
- 05/16/2024 - reflection
- 05/15/2024 - Quilted
- 05/14/2024 - Finding ourselves at the table Part 1
- 05/14/2024 - Part 2
- 05/14/2024 - Part 3
- 05/10/2024 - One pigeon to another, "Thank goodness it's Friday!"
- 05/09/2024 - Somewhere between a rock and a hard place the flowers grow
- 05/08/2024 - Lift Off
- 05/07/2024 - A big small space
- 05/03/2024 - Three Faces
- 05/02/2024 - The Rescue
- 05/01/2024 - Holding onto a white flag
- 04/30/2024 - The place is here
- 04/26/2024 - Opulent
- 04/25/2024 - Sitting with her shadow
- 04/24/2024 - Looking Up
- 04/23/2024 - Impossibly light and impossibly heavy
- 04/19/2024 - Haiku
- 04/18/2024 - Unfolding
- 04/17/2024 - Visiting birds
- 04/16/2024 - A day of complex emotion
- 04/12/2024 - Riding the weather
- 04/11/2024 - Falling Asleep
- 04/10/2024 - trying to tame the beast
- 04/09/2024 - Walking through an arbour of blossoms
- 04/05/2024 - Head in the wind, foot in the box
- 04/04/2024 - What is truth?
- 04/03/2024 - Without Words
- 04/02/2024 - The Wind Rages
- 03/28/2024 - Open to Receive
- 03/27/2024 - Seeing Through a Veil of Green
- 03/26/2024 - Clouds Gathering
- 03/22/2024 - It's Spring!
- 03/21/2024 - what goes up must come down
- 03/20/2024 - The first step can be the hardest
- 03/19/2024 - A Brown Button Day
- 03/15/2024 - Friday Part 2 - He's kind of missing the point
- 03/15/2024 - Friday Part 1 - On a slow boat to China
- 03/14/2024 - Waiting for the rain
- 03/13/2024 - Receiving the sunlight
- 03/12/2024 - In the Dark Room
- 03/08/2024 - A day with many layers
- 03/07/2024 - Merging
- 03/06/2024 - Balancing
- 03/05/2024 - Perplexed
- 03/01/2024 - Wind and Sun and Chocolate (TGIF)
- 02/29/2024 - Room with a View
- 02/28/2024 - Companions
- 02/27/2024 - On a path of recurrence
- 02/23/2024 - Looking Up
- 02/22/2024 - Where to look if you loose your baguette
- 02/21/2024 - As Different as Night and Day
- 02/20/2024 - Catching a magic moment
- 02/15/2024 - A meeting in the library with three engineering students
- 02/14/2024 - Happy birthday Floyd
- 02/13/2024 - Eleven Pigeons Sitting
- 02/11/2024 - Welcoming the Year of the Dragon
- 02/09/2024 - Somethings are too overwhelming to explain.... but we can try
- 02/08/2024 - Shadow Play
- 02/08/2024 - Unlikely Liasons
- 02/06/2024 - Stepping out of the line
- 02/02/2024 - Walking on the sunny side
- 02/01/2024 - Couch, the verb
- 01/31/2024 - Not sleeping
- 01/30/2024 - The story evolves
- 01/26/2024 - Sometimes there is colour
- 01/25/2024 - rEhANging thE tOP FlOOr
- 01/24/2024 - Today part 2
- 01/24/2024 - Today part 1
- 01/23/2024 - Seeing the space as if for the first time
- 01/19/2024 - Returning with the scent of where we've been
- 01/18/2024 - Re-entry
- 01/17/2024 - Remembering
- 01/11/2024 - Running together thirteen hours apart
- 01/11/2024 - Sitting on the sidelines
- 01/11/2024 - Neither in nor out
- 01/09/2024 - Collecting stars
- 01/07/2024 - Flying fish
- 01/05/2024 - Close Up and Far Away
- 01/04/2024 - Here comes the sun, la la la la la
- 01/03/2024 - Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone
- 01/03/2024 - Moving into the New Year one step at a time
- 12/23/2023 - Reluctantly but thoughtfully called to celebrate
- 12/21/2023 - On the shores of the unknown
- 12/20/2023 - Wondering where am I?
- 12/19/2023 - How do we see the wind?
- 12/15/2023 - Conversation around the table
- 12/14/2023 - Birds of a feather...
- 12/13/2023 - Choosing the right four
- 12/12/2023 - The energy of opening up the space
- 12/08/2023 - Black hats
- 12/07/2023 - A day for little works and little flurries
- 12/06/2023 - The looking between One and the Other
- 12/05/2023 - Hot bath is a good idea
- 12/01/2023 - making cards
- 11/30/2023 - Paper and glue
- 11/29/2023 - A fish out of water day
- 11/29/2023 - What is needed for the journey?
- 11/24/2023 - The Art of Animation
- 11/23/2023 - The last leaves have fallen
- 11/22/2023 - Trying to connect the line to somewhere
- 11/21/2023 - Gone Fishing
- 11/17/2023 - Three views of the same window
- 11/16/2023 - Before the harvest
- 11/15/2023 - Today could be a painting
- 11/14/2023 - A Cast of many coming to the collage gallery
- 11/10/2023 - Part III What Lies Beneath
- 11/10/2023 - Part II Facing East
- 11/10/2023 - Part I Blue Ice
- 11/09/2023 - Up North
- 11/08/2023 - Walking towards winter
- 11/07/2023 - The beauty of winter light
- 11/03/2023 - flying girl and wind mill lady
- 11/02/2023 - Couples
- 11/01/2023 - The Day After
- 10/31/2023 - Happy Halloween
- 10/27/2023 - A day of inquiry
- 10/26/2023 - Thursday collage, again
- 10/25/2023 - torn edges
- 10/24/2023 - Choosing to be in the light
- 10/20/2023 - Looking for the Doorway
- 10/19/2023 - A bit of a surprise
- 10/18/2023 - I wanna stay...I wanna go... keeps me in one place
- 10/17/2023 - A Perfect Day
- 10/13/2023 - Over the Falls
- 10/12/2023 - Thursday Part II
- 10/12/2023 - Thursday Part I
- 10/11/2023 - Observers of Time Passing
- 10/10/2023 - The Winds of Winter Return
- 10/06/2023 - Finding pieces that converse together
- 10/05/2023 - And why do we forget and how do we remember?
- 10/04/2023 - Can we know why we do what we do? Part 2
- 10/04/2023 - Can we know why we do what we do? Part 1
- 10/04/2023 - The raw material for today.s collages
- 10/03/2023 - Listening is a nine letter word
- 09/29/2023 - Into the woods
- 09/28/2023 - Friends
- 09/27/2023 - Harvest Moon
- 09/26/2023 - Miscommunication
- 09/22/2023 - Remembering my animal nature
- 09/21/2023 - Red Bird Flies
- 09/20/2023 - Holding the Red Bird
- 09/19/2023 - Collaging the collages
- 09/15/2023 - dark room
- 09/14/2023 - sEen fRom A diStaNce
- 09/13/2023 - Facing
- 09/12/2023 - Reflecting Upon....
- 09/08/2023 - Cabbagetown Arts and Craft Fair
- 09/07/2023 - Harvesting
- 09/06/2023 - between worlds
- 09/05/2023 - Tending to the house
- 09/01/2023 - A New Beginning
- 08/31/2023 - Moved by the Wind
- 08/30/2023 - The set changes in the library
- 08/29/2023 - Gifts from a friend afar
- 08/25/2023 - Friday collage, Seeing and Being Seen
- 08/24/2023 - Uncontained
- 08/23/2023 - under a little grey cloud
- 08/22/2023 - Today we are drawing a blank
- 08/18/2023 - Framing forms in space
- 08/17/2023 - Today, hanging a prayer
- 08/16/2023 - Caring for
- 08/15/2023 - On their way to Somewhere
- 08/11/2023 - One
- 08/11/2023 - Two
- 08/11/2023 - Three
- 08/11/2023 - Five
- 08/10/2023 - Four
- 08/09/2023 - Cooling off
- 08/08/2023 - Today's gesture with the space
- 08/04/2023 - Summer in the city
- 08/03/2023 - Ice Cream Day
- 08/02/2023 - Moved by the Wind
- 08/01/2023 - We're here to tell you...
- 07/28/2023 - Waiting to Dive In
- 07/27/2023 - Tamed by the Beast
- 07/26/2023 - today
- 07/25/2023 - samurai
- 07/21/2023 - Polkadogs, Steeples and Chair
- 07/20/2023 - Calling the Apple Angel
- 07/19/2023 - Today's Crazy Quilt
- 07/18/2023 - lines
- 07/14/2023 - photographic gallery
- 07/13/2023 - Sublime 2
- 07/12/2023 - Sublime
- 07/11/2023 - Waiting for the storm
- 07/07/2023 - Maybe this is not so far from here
- 07/06/2023 - everything is upside down
- 07/05/2023 - A Steamy Day
- 07/04/2023 - Looking for shade
- 06/30/2023 - Happy Canada Day
- 06/29/2023 - Taking direction from the Clampetts
- 06/28/2023 - Smoke in the City
- 06/27/2023 - Vertices, the Geometry of Curves.... on the edge of a vortex
- 06/23/2023 - What is a wish?
- 06/22/2023 - bird in a box... tomorrow
- 06/21/2023 - Theatre of the Absurd.... Today
- 06/20/2023 - Light on the wall.... Yesterday
- 06/16/2023 - He is out of the box
- 06/15/2023 - Chair moving me in it
- 06/14/2023 - Walking in the puddle
- 06/13/2023 - Partway Settled
- 06/09/2023 - Boxes part two
- 06/08/2023 - sky and lines
- 06/07/2023 - wednesday collages
- 06/06/2023 - Boxes
- 06/02/2023 - Collecting impressions from our surroundings
- 06/01/2023 - Harnessing Momentum and Juggling the Moon
- 05/31/2023 - Trying to make the all pieces fit
- 05/30/2023 - Part two
- 05/30/2023 - Tuesday Morning Reunion Part One
- 05/26/2023 - Building Ladders
- 05/25/2023 - Safe Within
- 05/24/2023 - Looking for Turquoise
- 05/23/2023 - Cat by any other name is still a cat
- 05/19/2023 - Dancing on the Head of a Pin
- 05/18/2023 - In afternoon light
- 05/17/2023 - Shelter from the Storm
- 05/16/2023 - At 7's and 8's with each other..
- 05/12/2023 - out of the box
- 05/11/2023 - today's front desk
- 05/10/2023 - Taking One Step at a Time
- 05/09/2023 - The Strong Man needs his Assistant
- 05/05/2023 - Drawn to the Mysterious
- 05/04/2023 - The exhibit becomes an urban environment
- 05/03/2023 - Final Touches
- 05/02/2023 - Sneak Preview
- 04/29/2023 - A Cast of Many
- 04/28/2023 - Building a Show
- 04/27/2023 - blossoms
- 04/26/2023 - Inner Circuitry
- 04/25/2023 - working together
- 04/21/2023 - A Delicate Respose
- 04/20/2023 - harmonious dissonance
- 04/19/2023 - Pandemonium
- 04/18/2023 - Portraits
- 04/14/2023 - 'Leave your face on the sidewalk'
- 04/13/2023 - Waiting for I'm not sure what
- 04/12/2023 - Sitting on the Steps, Repairing the Door Covering
- 04/11/2023 - Mask or Portrait
- 04/06/2023 - A Call to Remember
- 04/05/2023 - Rainy Day and Pencil Shavings
- 04/04/2023 - Sharing the Apple
- 03/31/2023 - Collecting Attention
- 03/30/2023 - A Visit from George
- 03/29/2023 - Surfing the Big Wind
- 03/28/2023 - Cows and Flowers
- 03/24/2023 - Cat Watching
- 03/23/2023 - Spring
- 03/22/2023 - finding circles
- 03/21/2023 - From the Library
- 03/17/2023 - A Bit of a Whirlwind Day
- 03/16/2023 - When the three of us get together this is what it looks like!
- 03/15/2023 - The Mad Hatters Tea Party
- 03/14/2023 - Stacking and Racking
- 03/10/2023 - Different Views Same Path
- 03/09/2023 - Sanctuary for the living
- 03/08/2023 - Untangling
- 03/07/2023 - Animals keep us sane
- 03/03/2023 - Tent
- 03/02/2023 - Faces
- 03/01/2023 - From dust to dust
- 02/28/2023 - Encroachment
- 02/24/2023 - A Perfect Winter Day
- 02/23/2023 - Two sides of the same coin
- 02/21/2023 - floating
- 02/17/2023 - Mysteriously Compelling
- 02/16/2023 - Broken but mending
- 02/15/2023 - Holding on to Something
- 02/14/2023 - Happy Valentine's Day!
- 02/10/2023 - The creatures we create
- 02/09/2023 - Singing in the Rain
- 02/08/2023 - Two Sides to Every Story
- 02/07/2023 - After the Weekend
- 02/03/2023 - Full Moon is on Her Way
- 02/02/2023 - Cold with a hint of spring
- 02/01/2023 - Hmmm
- 01/31/2023 - Looking at the world through a different filter
- 01/27/2023 - Cranberry Muffin Day
- 01/26/2023 - She is grateful for the snow
- 01/25/2023 - Soft Landing
- 01/24/2023 - Considering
- 01/20/2023 - Sending Our Prayers on the Wind
- 01/19/2023 - drawing room
- 01/18/2023 - Catching the Last Rays
- 01/17/2023 - On a Mission
- 01/13/2023 - Winter
- 01/12/2023 - In a city of grey... the search for colour
- 01/11/2023 - Somedays what you want to accomplish just doesn't happen
- 01/10/2023 - Girls just wanna have fun
- 01/06/2023 - Trying to Understand
- 01/05/2023 - Two Hours
- 01/04/2023 - Paper and Glue
- 01/03/2023 - Ninety-nine Sitting Birds on a Wire
- 12/23/2022 - A Gift of Light To You
- 12/22/2022 - A blessing upon this table and the food it shares
- 12/21/2022 - Weathering
- 12/20/2022 - Giddyup and Go
- 12/16/2022 - Upwards and Onwards
- 12/15/2022 - The sky spills onto the sidewalk and freezes there
- 12/14/2022 - Swinging Into Winter
- 12/13/2022 - Cold Blue
- 12/09/2022 - Given
- 12/08/2022 - Up
- 12/07/2022 - Full Moon
- 12/06/2022 - today
- 12/02/2022 - Doorway
- 12/01/2022 - An Example of Opposite
- 11/30/2022 - Pen and Ink Day
- 11/29/2022 - Unlocking Creativity
- 11/25/2022 - Blocks and sandbags
- 11/24/2022 - In A Fog
- 11/23/2022 - Morning Mist
- 11/22/2022 - Trying to Feel Where Am I
- 11/19/2022 - Flying
- 11/17/2022 - Pulled Backwards Through Time
- 11/16/2022 - Winter has Arrived
- 11/15/2022 - Coming and Going
- 11/11/2022 - Glass Beach and Wet Leaves
- 11/10/2022 - Stairs
- 11/08/2022 - Moon eclipse
- 11/04/2022 - Floating
- 11/03/2022 - Poised and Paused
- 11/02/2022 - Fall flowers shrine
- 11/01/2022 - Peeking
- 10/31/2022 - Sky, Sea and Sand
- 10/29/2022 - Trees
- 10/27/2022 - Anticipation
- 10/26/2022 - On the verge of the unexpected
- 10/25/2022 - A Path Invites Us To Follow
- 10/21/2022 - Windows
- 10/20/2022 - Landed
- 10/19/2022 - Between the Worlds
- 10/18/2022 - Time is when things happen
- 10/14/2022 - Getting Ready to Fly
- 10/13/2022 - Still in the waiting room but on the way out...
- 10/12/2022 - In the Cycle of Trees, Lords of Rings
- 10/12/2022 - Reading the cups
- 10/07/2022 - Could be 'Floating'
- 10/06/2022 - GiNgER rHIno
- 10/05/2022 - Afternoon coffee with the beloved
- 10/04/2022 - Going in /Coming out
- 09/30/2022 - On the Threshold
- 09/29/2022 - Not a simple story
- 09/29/2022 - Under Cover
- 09/27/2022 - Splashing into Fall
- 09/23/2022 - How we finish the week! Have a good weekend
- 09/22/2022 - Lunchtime Doodle, Cut and Paste
- 09/21/2022 - Visiting our Sister Gallery
- 09/20/2022 - Pigment mixed with light and feeling
- 09/16/2022 - Ten Little Triangles
- 09/15/2022 - We're All Going to the Party...(It's a dog theme)
- 09/14/2022 - Two Many Heads...Just One Body
- 09/13/2022 - Welcoming two new gallery members
- 09/09/2022 - One thing leads to another and then...magic
- 09/08/2022 - Looking Up We See The Sky
- 09/07/2022 - The Last Hour
- 09/06/2022 - THe ArchiTecture oF thE boDy
- 09/02/2022 - THe NeXt cHaPteR
- 09/01/2022 - Receiving More Visitors
- 08/31/2022 - Rock Steady
- 08/30/2022 - Gathering Pollen (A Bee's Breakfast)
- 08/26/2022 - Practising Intent
- 08/25/2022 - Daniel meets Floyd
- 08/24/2022 - Talking to the Space
- 08/23/2022 - What is the Same and What is Different?
- 08/19/2022 - An Invention of Order
- 08/18/2022 - Finishing the Video
- 08/17/2022 - Summer
- 08/16/2022 - The Basement Crew Reconvening on Tuesday
- 08/12/2022 - Happy Birthday to You Know Who You Are!!
- 08/11/2022 - A Play of Light
- 08/10/2022 - The planets converging in the black hole...
- 08/09/2022 - From our youngest artist
- 08/05/2022 - Our Cave Beneath the Stairs...
- 08/04/2022 - Riding the Waves
- 08/03/2022 - Taking the Inside Out
- 08/02/2022 - Intersections
- 07/29/2022 - Untangling the Week
- 07/28/2022 - We are a little bit slow today
- 07/27/2022 - Secrets of Time Past
- 07/26/2022 - Life is full of surprises... small explosions and unpleasant stories
- 07/22/2022 - This is where we got to
- 07/21/2022 - On Our Way To Somewhere
- 07/20/2022 - Being witness to a moment
- 07/19/2022 - Not Quite Where You'd Expect
- 07/15/2022 - The Guest Revealed
- 07/14/2022 - Clue #3
- 07/13/2022 - Clue #2
- 07/12/2022 - Guess Who’s Coming to Stay?
- 07/08/2022 - Dreaming of the Great Escape
- 07/07/2022 - Which Way Is Up
- 07/06/2022 - Stopped in our tracks by colour!
- 07/05/2022 - A Line Runs Through Them
- 07/01/2022 - An agreement to be
- 06/30/2022 - What makes us free?
- 06/29/2022 - Neighbours
- 06/28/2022 - looking at you... looking at me
- 06/24/2022 - Getting Out Of The City For The Weekend
- 06/23/2022 - Attending the Annual Meeting
- 06/22/2022 - On A Narrow Plank
- 06/21/2022 - Higher Up and Farther In
- 06/17/2022 - The Magic of Light
- 06/16/2022 - Creating an Exit to the Sky
- 06/15/2022 - Eating Green
- 06/14/2022 - Singing Green
- 06/10/2022 - Trying to Understand the Visual Clues
- 06/09/2022 - 'From Another World', the work of Floyd Kuptana...
- 06/08/2022 - The Changing of the Guard
- 06/07/2022 - In the Rain... How the weather moves us
- 06/03/2022 - Moving Lines
- 06/02/2022 - Another Video Offering
- 06/01/2022 - Cloudy with a chance of thunderstorm
- 05/31/2022 - All of the elements... balanced
- 05/26/2022 - Almost Ready for Tomorrow
- 05/25/2022 - The Texture and Colour of Today
- 05/24/2022 - Making Lists
- 05/20/2022 - A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush
- 05/19/2022 - The Contrasts in our Environment
- 05/18/2022 - The Black Box
- 05/17/2022 - Unpacking Treasures
- 05/13/2022 - Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?!
- 05/12/2022 - There is no There
- 05/11/2022 - So Close and yet So Far
- 05/10/2022 - Remembering that the world is not flat as we once thought it was.
- 05/06/2022 - Singing and Dancing in the Courtyard
- 05/05/2022 - A Swan Sunning Day
- 05/04/2022 - An Unlikely Quartet
- 05/03/2022 - Singing the Rainy Day Blues
- 04/29/2022 - TGIF
- 04/28/2022 - A Walk on the Bright Side
- 04/27/2022 - Revisiting the gallery through the eyes of our visitors
- 04/26/2022 - The Purging Continues
- 04/22/2022 - Massive Spring Cleaning in the Studio
- 04/21/2022 - Sharing a Vision
- 04/20/2022 - Spaces that speak to each other
- 04/19/2022 - Trying to reconcile our place in the world
- 04/15/2022 - Sharing Pink
- 04/14/2022 - Finding racoons in the ceiling day!
- 04/13/2022 - Round the Table
- 04/12/2022 - All the paths lead somewhere
- 04/08/2022 - Our Own Henry Moore Driftwood
- 04/07/2022 - Reducing the world to black and white
- 04/06/2022 - Transforming the Library
- 04/05/2022 - Mirror Mirror on the Wall
- 04/01/2022 - Collaging the Collage Gallery
- 03/31/2022 - Spring Tease
- 03/30/2022 - Communicating Intention
- 03/29/2022 - A Tiny Piece of Sky
- 03/25/2022 - Holding a Question
- 03/24/2022 - Completion
- 03/23/2022 - Siblings
- 03/22/2022 - Stepping Out
- 03/18/2022 - Opening the Windows Day
- 03/17/2022 - Behind the Walls
- 03/16/2022 - Music, Written on the Sky or A Bird On The Wire
- 03/15/2022 - March Winds are Blowing
- 03/11/2022 - Not Quite Spring
- 03/10/2022 - Have a Closer Look
- 03/09/2022 - A Visit to the Gallery
- 03/08/2022 - Daughters
- 03/04/2022 - What's Going On!!??
- 03/03/2022 - The One Observing the Other
- 03/02/2022 - From the comfort of inside to the exhilaration of outside
- 03/01/2022 - Lines of Engagement
- 02/25/2022 - Nice Boots!
- 02/24/2022 - We Need All Of Our Senses
- 02/23/2022 - No Words
- 02/22/2022 - "Maybe we could be a choir!"
- 02/18/2022 - Ending the week on a good note
- 02/17/2022 - rAIN WitH thE thReat of sNow
- 02/16/2022 - The Winds of Change or Who Can See The Wind
- 02/15/2022 - "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."
- 02/11/2022 - A Visit From Floyd
- 02/10/2022 - Standing in the Unfamiliar
- 02/09/2022 - Following the Light
- 02/08/2022 - One Voice Surrounded By Too Many
- 02/04/2022 - A Week of Heavy Lifting
- 02/03/2022 - Practicing Being Invisible
- 02/02/2022 - Theatre of the Absurd
- 02/01/2022 - CoMing OuT oF tHe TuNneL
- 01/28/2022 - Sending out the Mail (online collage workshop #13)
- 01/27/2022 - Where are we?
- 01/26/2022 - Coming Out of My Cocoon or My Head is a Butterfly
- 01/25/2022 - Four Legs Three Heads One Focus
- 01/21/2022 - Visited by Jack Frost
- 01/20/2022 - Looking at something off the page
- 01/19/2022 - 'Carved with a Brush' the third Kuptana book begins
- 01/18/2022 - For the Love of Flying
- 01/14/2022 - Gifts From Our Visiting Friends
- 01/13/2022 - Walking in the Twilight Zone
- 01/12/2022 - Life is a Slippery Fish
- 01/11/2022 - It's the Light that Unites Them
- 01/07/2022 - A Triad (without the middle note)
- 01/06/2022 - Somewhere Over the Rainbow
- 01/05/2022 - Two Heads Are Better Than One
- 01/04/2022 - Standing Tall
- 12/31/2021 - Vaulting into the New Year (best played at one minute to midnight)
- 12/30/2021 - Reflecting on Moments of the Past
- 12/29/2021 - Home is where the heart is
- 12/28/2021 - Trying to catch the big one
- 12/24/2021 - Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house...
- 12/23/2021 - An Alternative to Disney
- 12/22/2021 - May you find the magic of christmas
- 12/21/2021 - tHReE sPiriTs oF cHriStmAs
- 12/17/2021 - In the Box / Out of the Box
- 12/16/2021 - Looking for a Cave to Curl Up In
- 12/15/2021 - Intersecting Unknowns
- 12/14/2021 - Shopping can be fun with a friend
- 12/10/2021 - The evolution and fine tuning of a space
- 12/09/2021 - Inviting you further into the space
- 12/08/2021 - Where World Maintenence is an Ongoing Concern
- 12/07/2021 - Branching Out and Staying In
- 12/03/2021 - Street Life
- 12/02/2021 - The Clouds Look Like They Have Somewhere To Go
- 12/01/2021 - A Shelter From the Storm
- 11/30/2021 - It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas la la la la la
- 11/26/2021 - What Kind of Story is This?
- 11/25/2021 - Looks Like a Pocket Dial
- 11/24/2021 - Holding and Letting Fly
- 11/23/2021 - We Meet Here on Tuesdays
- 11/19/2021 - As the moon sets the sun rises
- 11/18/2021 - Tempestuous Melody
- 11/17/2021 - Between the Covers
- 11/16/2021 - Things Are A Little Bit Clear A Little Bit Blurry
- 11/12/2021 - Cloudy with a chance of teapot
- 11/11/2021 - Somewhere not too far from here
- 11/10/2021 - Turning the Page
- 11/09/2021 - Creating a Reading Room
- 11/05/2021 - A Work in Process
- 11/04/2021 - Feet are what keep us grounded
- 11/03/2021 - We didn't want to do it but we had fun
- 11/02/2021 - Trying to Balance
- 10/29/2021 - We Can Finally See the Light!
- 10/28/2021 - The Second of Three
- 10/27/2021 - Riding the Fast Train
- 10/26/2021 - Spontaneous Decomposition
- 10/22/2021 - The Palette of Winter
- 10/21/2021 - MoVing BaCkwaRds THrough TiMe
- 10/20/2021 - Visiting Picasso
- 10/19/2021 - "Who Are You?"
- 10/15/2021 - They call it mellow yellow..that's right
- 10/14/2021 - The Art and Beauty of Bricks
- 10/13/2021 - Too Many Questions
- 10/12/2021 - Constructing the Leftovers
- 10/08/2021 - Happy Thanksgiving from All of Us to All of You
- 10/07/2021 - Six Feet Under
- 10/06/2021 - A Bird's Eye View
- 10/05/2021 - "She's leaving home, bye bye"
- 10/01/2021 - Artists Together
- 09/30/2021 - Full and Happy
- 09/29/2021 - Higher Up and Farther In
- 09/28/2021 - Practicing our Creasing
- 09/24/2021 - Have a Good Weekend We Will Stay in Touch
- 09/23/2021 - Some of us walk the line... and some of us don't
- 09/22/2021 - Places we are no longer allowed to visit
- 09/21/2021 - "The looking itself is a trace of what we're looking for." Rumi
- 09/17/2021 - Keep Dancing
- 09/16/2021 - Sending out the surprise packets
- 09/15/2021 - A Mysterious Meeting
- 09/14/2021 - Time Travel in the Collage Space Ship
- 09/10/2021 - Changing Perspective
- 09/09/2021 - Along the lines and between the lines the story stretches
- 09/08/2021 - A ConVersaTion TrYing To bE A BoOk
- 09/07/2021 - Our Book Making Muse
- 09/03/2021 - September Morning
- 09/02/2021 - Consider What is Happening
- 09/01/2021 - Variations on the 'Cellist' by Chagall
- 08/31/2021 - Being in the Right Place with the Right Book
- 08/27/2021 - The Architecture of Thought
- 08/26/2021 - Arches
- 08/25/2021 - Death as our Advisor
- 08/24/2021 - THe joY of creAting BeauTy and ORder
- 08/20/2021 - Shaped by the Wind
- 08/19/2021 - Reaching for Pears
- 08/18/2021 - Emergency Measures
- 08/17/2021 - A Bit of an Uphill Climb
- 08/13/2021 - We Can't Create This
- 08/12/2021 - Smoking May Be Dangerous to Health
- 08/11/2021 - Less Information More Observation
- 08/10/2021 - Celery Juice
- 08/06/2021 - Watermelon Days
- 08/05/2021 - Heartfelt
- 08/04/2021 - Resolution is in the treetops
- 08/03/2021 - A Twoness
- 07/30/2021 - My Muffins Are Back
- 07/29/2021 - There's a sky at the end of the tunnel
- 07/28/2021 - Meeting Again
- 07/27/2021 - We are open again
- 07/23/2021 - We have lift off!
- 07/22/2021 - Frustration and Calm (oh, she has a spike)
- 07/21/2021 - Healing Hands
- 07/20/2021 - Take your cow for a walk day
- 07/16/2021 - Looking Ahead
- 07/15/2021 - Exercising Strength
- 07/14/2021 - A Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
- 07/13/2021 - Looking For Courage
- 07/09/2021 - 10 Foot Ladder
- 07/08/2021 - Crazy Quilt
- 07/07/2021 - A Walk Between Downpours
- 07/06/2021 - Language of Objects / Objective Language
- 07/02/2021 - The cards are on the table but it's time for a kiss
- 07/01/2021 - Happy Canada Day!
- 06/30/2021 - Everything in nature is authentic without our saying so
- 06/29/2021 - Trusting
- 06/25/2021 - Untimely Meetings
- 06/24/2021 - An Unembellished Moment
- 06/23/2021 - And The Number For Today Is Eleven
- 06/22/2021 - Each In Our Own World
- 06/18/2021 - TGIF
- 06/17/2021 - Bed Frames and Windows
- 06/16/2021 - Paper, Scissors and Glue
- 06/15/2021 - A Little Bit Wild
- 06/11/2021 - What Happens When We Meet
- 06/10/2021 - What We Cannot Alter
- 06/09/2021 - Having a Gesture with Space
- 06/08/2021 - Watering The Garden
- 06/04/2021 - Somewhere Over The Rainbow
- 06/03/2021 - The Path Is Opening Up
- 06/02/2021 - Trying To Find Our Way
- 06/01/2021 - Into The Woods and Out Of The Woods
- 05/28/2021 - Remembering Floyd
- 05/27/2021 - No Words... just turquoise and red
- 05/26/2021 - A Day of Contrasts
- 05/25/2021 - Seeing and Being Seen
- 05/21/2021 - Queen Victoria wishes all of her subjects a jolly celebration of her birthday!
- 05/20/2021 - Meetings
- 05/19/2021 - Standing in One Place Looking to Another
- 05/18/2021 - Two Many
- 05/14/2021 - Wandering in a Maze of Light and Reflection
- 05/13/2021 - A Little Bit Out...A Little Bit In
- 05/12/2021 - Warmed by the Sun
- 05/11/2021 - Looking for Spring
- 05/07/2021 - Some Kind of Passage
- 05/06/2021 - Prima Donnas of the Song
- 05/05/2021 - Giving in to Gravity
- 05/04/2021 - The Early Bird Catches the Worm
- 04/30/2021 - Wind
- 04/29/2021 - Listening to the Song
- 04/28/2021 - The Earth is Singing
- 04/27/2021 - Inside / Out
- 04/23/2021 - April Flowers Bring May Showers
- 04/22/2021 - Searching in the Dark
- 04/21/2021 - Taking Art Out To The People
- 04/20/2021 - Look Up, Look Way Up...
- 04/16/2021 - Something Like A Bad Dream We Are Sharing
- 04/15/2021 - What Will Be Will Be
- 04/14/2021 - Life is a Crazy Quilt
- 04/13/2021 - The Love of Creating
- 04/09/2021 - Come and sit in the sun
- 04/08/2021 - We Are In This Together
- 04/07/2021 - Backwards in Time
- 04/06/2021 - The Age of the Fishes is Ending
- 04/02/2021 - An Easter Blessing
- 04/01/2021 - Darkness Comes Before the Dawn
- 03/31/2021 - What is Beauty?
- 03/30/2021 - A Walk In The Park
- 03/26/2021 - THE eND OF soMetHiNG and tHe bEgiNning of sOmetHinG
- 03/25/2021 - ? Earth, sun, air, the ability to watch things grow...
- 03/24/2021 - What Could We Possibly Have In Common?
- 03/23/2021 - I Spy With My Little Eye...
- 03/19/2021 - Today Was A Conversation
- 03/18/2021 - ReStricTioNs LivE MOstLy in OuR HeAd
- 03/17/2021 - A Little Bit Light /A Little Bit Heavy
- 03/16/2021 - The Camera as a Key to Unlock the Many Spaces of Arcturus
- 03/12/2021 - On the Other Side of Dark
- 03/11/2021 - A Place to Discover...
- 03/10/2021 - A Portrait of Hands
- 03/09/2021 - The Balance of a Moment
- 03/05/2021 - mOVING dAy
- 03/04/2021 - Between One Reality and Another
- 03/03/2021 - No Words Today
- 03/02/2021 - Not Everything is a Masterpiece
- 02/26/2021 - Dusk....... (TGIF)
- 02/25/2021 - In the Time of Bright Sun and Long Shadows
- 02/24/2021 - Moving Through the Chaos
- 02/23/2021 - The Book of Three
- 02/19/2021 - Completion
- 02/18/2021 - Movement On The Other Side of Glass
- 02/17/2021 - A Path To Spring
- 02/16/2021 - Snowed Under
- 02/12/2021 - The Official Chinese New Year - The Year of the Ox
- 02/11/2021 - A reminder of what it looks like...
- 02/10/2021 - Treading water or whatever else you are drowning in
- 02/09/2021 - pORTRAIT OF TwO gIRLS aNd a sCreeN
- 02/05/2021 - Purring Lines of Light
- 02/04/2021 - Collaboration
- 02/03/2021 - The Direction of Blue
- 02/02/2021 - Two Horses That Have Lost Their Heads
- 01/29/2021 - It's The Same Moon
- 01/28/2021 - A Response to Jackal
- 01/27/2021 - Discovering Red
- 01/26/2021 - It's Still Winter
- 01/22/2021 - This Day Somewhere Far Away
- 01/21/2021 - Today Felt Very Long. Time Seemed to Stretch
- 01/20/2021 - Black and White with a Splash of Red
- 01/19/2021 - Something of an Uphill Climb
- 01/15/2021 - A Meeting of Colour
- 01/14/2021 - This is Too Much I'm Going Home Early...
- 01/13/2021 - The Pieces Aren't Where They Are Supposed to Be
- 01/12/2021 - Seeing what is required and acting upon it
- 01/08/2021 - I dOn'T thiNk I cAn tHinK .... a n y m o r e
- 01/07/2021 - A Narrow Window of Possibility
- 01/06/2021 - Reviewing the Past Year
- 01/05/2021 - The Birds Come Home to Roost
- 01/01/2021 - The Year of the Ox May Be Turbulent
- 12/31/2020 - Welcoming in the New Year
- 12/30/2020 - Rain with Intermittent Sun
- 12/29/2020 - Christmas has Melted...
- 12/24/2020 - Giving is a Gesture of Heart
- 12/23/2020 - Dancing Towards Christmas
- 12/22/2020 - Two Hands, Two Feet, Seven Eyes
- 12/18/2020 - As the Sun Goes Down...
- 12/17/2020 - Zephyr (mist over water)
- 12/16/2020 - Today Jack Frost Came to Visit
- 12/15/2020 - It's Tuesday Again!
- 12/11/2020 - All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go
- 12/10/2020 - "This reminds me of a cat I met this morning."
- 12/09/2020 - Today... All these figures were sitting 'round the same table!
- 12/08/2020 - The first lines are like branches
- 12/04/2020 - Drawn on the sky
- 12/03/2020 - Keeping Our Eye On The Ball
- 12/02/2020 - A Brief Return to the Feeling of Fall
- 12/01/2020 - A Path to Winter
- 11/27/2020 - Trying to Play Our Cards Right
- 11/26/2020 - What is Freedom?
- 11/25/2020 - Moving Through the Day
- 11/24/2020 - Waiting for My Friend
- 11/20/2020 - Keep Your Heart Unlocked
- 11/19/2020 - A Day that Somehow Fell Between the Cracks
- 11/18/2020 - Clearing the Visual Palate
- 11/17/2020 - Arriving Here In the Blink of an Eye
- 11/13/2020 - Something Completed
- 11/12/2020 - Finding the Beauty of Simple
- 11/11/2020 - Shared Focus
- 11/10/2020 - Rolled Up and Unravelling
- 11/06/2020 - Collecting Fallen Treasure
- 11/05/2020 - Touched by Light
- 11/04/2020 - Building a Village
- 11/03/2020 - When You Make a Swing Set a Swinger Appears
- 10/30/2020 - And He Danced by the Light of the Moon
- 10/29/2020 - Too Much Housework
- 10/28/2020 - Cool in the Shade Warm in the Sun
- 10/27/2020 - Inside the Chambers of the Heart
- 10/24/2020 - Towards a full moon
- 10/22/2020 - Co-Ordinated Chaos
- 10/21/2020 - A Fugue in Three Parts
- 10/20/2020 - Our New Website is Live!
- 10/20/2020 - In the Water, On the Earth, In the Air
- 10/16/2020 - A Different Canvas
- 10/15/2020 - A Memory of Light
- 10/14/2020 - A Mysterious Opening
- 10/13/2020 - Speaking with Turquoise
- 10/09/2020 - Look Up!
- 10/08/2020 - One Thing We Know the Other is a Question
- 10/07/2020 - Art Makes Sense in the Context of Life
- 10/06/2020 - Pulling Together All The Pieces
- 10/02/2020 - Colour Turned Upside Down
- 10/01/2020 - Not Just Hanging...
- 09/30/2020 - Making Sense of the Unexpected
- 09/29/2020 - Priming the Railing
- 09/25/2020 - Who Let These Guys Out?
- 09/24/2020 - A Frog in Fishnet Stockings
- 09/23/2020 - A Shadow Parade
- 09/22/2020 - Collaging the Wave
- 09/18/2020 - An Open Book and the Tooth Fairy
- 09/17/2020 - Too Much Working at the Computer Today and Too Much Fly!
- 09/16/2020 - Weather's Palette a Worn Facade
- 09/15/2020 - Dancing on the Head of a Pin
- 09/11/2020 - Pink Rising
- 09/10/2020 - Pink Floyd
- 09/09/2020 - View From the South Shore
- 09/08/2020 - Life as a Musical
- 09/04/2020 - Laying a Path
- 09/03/2020 - A Visit to the Stone Yard
- 09/02/2020 - Slaying Dragons
- 09/01/2020 - Gazing Into the Unknown
- 08/28/2020 - Upstairs/Downstairs
- 08/27/2020 - You Can't Be It and See It
- 08/26/2020 - Watching You Watching Me
- 08/25/2020 - Scrutinized by the Ancestors
- 08/21/2020 - This is what happens when we work together
- 08/20/2020 - Windows are the Eyes
- 08/19/2020 - Emerging
- 08/18/2020 - Floyd is Back
- 08/14/2020 - Constructing Space
- 08/13/2020 - Each Piece Makes the Whole
- 08/12/2020 - It's A Dog's Life
- 08/11/2020 - Feet Planted, Head Turning in Too Many Directions
- 08/07/2020 - Every Which Way
- 08/06/2020 - Opening Windows
- 08/05/2020 - A Change of Palette and Presence
- 08/04/2020 - Trying to Navigate a Puddle
- 07/31/2020 - The Many Moods of Friday
- 07/30/2020 - Shaping Light and Space
- 07/29/2020 - Liberating Whale
- 07/28/2020 - The Memory of a Journey
- 07/24/2020 - "There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in"
- 07/23/2020 - Sometimes what has been created ends in destruction
- 07/22/2020 - Looks Like Good Conversation
- 07/21/2020 - A Story in Three Parts...Half Full and Half Empty
- 07/17/2020 - A Visit to the Farm
- 07/16/2020 - Building a Tree House
- 07/15/2020 - Stopping to Watch the Clouds Go By
- 07/14/2020 - Finding a Way to be Together After a Long Absence
- 07/10/2020 - Swinging Gently Under the Tree Tops
- 07/09/2020 - Trying to stay cool
- 07/08/2020 - A Sudden Downpour
- 07/07/2020 - Not Quite Harmonious
- 07/03/2020 - Visited by a Living Puppet
- 07/02/2020 - Heat Rising
- 07/01/2020 - Collaging Together on Our First Day Back
- 06/30/2020 - The Magic of Mirrors
- 06/26/2020 - Simple fun is the best
- 06/25/2020 - A struggle to get through to open sky
- 06/24/2020 - Collage in the Time of Corona
- 06/23/2020 - Good News
- 06/19/2020 - Eric at his Studio Up North
- 06/19/2020 - From His Studio Up North
- 06/18/2020 - Creating the Subject for a Painting
- 06/17/2020 - Three Dimensional Collage
- 06/16/2020 - In the presence of green
- 06/12/2020 - Clarity
- 06/12/2020 - Cleaning Day
- 06/10/2020 - Heat Inside and Out
- 06/09/2020 - Trying to Keep the Appearance of Calm
- 06/05/2020 - Hard to Comprehend
- 06/04/2020 - Stop and Go
- 06/03/2020 - Challenged to be an Individual
- 06/02/2020 - Who Is Being Hurt?
- 05/30/2020 - A Bit Scary to See Through Today's Lens
- 05/28/2020 - Wet
- 05/28/2020 - The Day After The Day Before (we missed the day between)
- 05/26/2020 - Just Landed in Tropical Heat Wave
- 05/22/2020 - Sunny Skies, Underwrap and Stacked
- 05/21/2020 - The Rhinos Are Out!
- 05/20/2020 - A Little Bit Out A Little Bit In
- 05/19/2020 - Things are Looking Up
- 05/15/2020 - Greening
- 05/14/2020 - A Sense of Space
- 05/13/2020 - Social Distancing
- 05/12/2020 - A Meeting of the Guardians
- 05/08/2020 - "Hello Neighbour"
- 05/07/2020 - Having Nothing to Say
- 05/06/2020 - Being Cawled to Look
- 05/06/2020 - Facing one way or the other
- 05/01/2020 - Not Quite There
- 04/30/2020 - In Through the Back Door
- 04/29/2020 - Today was a good wind...
- 04/28/2020 - A Small Window on the World
- 04/24/2020 - The Moment Lives On
- 04/24/2020 - Fabricland
- 04/22/2020 - A Meeting in Shadowland
- 04/21/2020 - Inside/Out
- 04/17/2020 - Not reflected
- 04/17/2020 - Looking at the world upside down
- 04/16/2020 - Looking for Direction
- 04/16/2020 - Waking Up
- 04/14/2020 - Moved by Wind
- 04/10/2020 - Connecting from a distance
- 04/09/2020 - Sidewalk Art
- 04/08/2020 - Stretched into the Blue
- 04/07/2020 - "Caught in a web of contending forces..."
- 04/03/2020 - If Only We Were Pigeons...
- 04/03/2020 - For the new blue flowers
- 04/01/2020 - Sending Our Prayers on the Wind
- 03/31/2020 - In the Twilight Zone
- 03/27/2020 - For Our Dear Friend Eron...
- 03/26/2020 - Reconnecting 'Round the Table
- 03/25/2020 - cOFFEE IS eSSENTIAL
- 03/24/2020 - Hold On...
- 03/20/2020 - The Outside Beckons Us
- 03/19/2020 - In the World But Not Of It
- 03/18/2020 - Don't Be Scared It's Just Us
- 03/13/2020 - Preparing
- 03/12/2020 - Remember to Step Outside
- 03/11/2020 - Today was a difficult day
- 03/10/2020 - Where Is Home?
- 03/06/2020 - How Differently We Each Interpret The World!
- 03/05/2020 - A Different Blue A Different Circus
- 03/04/2020 - The World is a Blue Circus
- 03/03/2020 - How the Body Remembers
- 02/28/2020 - Becoming Animated
- 02/27/2020 - Picasso Steps Upon the Medieval Stage
- 02/26/2020 - A Reflection of Today
- 02/25/2020 - The First Star I See Tonight...
- 02/21/2020 - Fishing for Mary
- 02/20/2020 - Clearing the Visual Palette
- 02/19/2020 - The Near and Distant Past
- 02/18/2020 - Not sure where the forest ends and I begin
- 02/14/2020 - T T C Looking for Alternatives
- 02/13/2020 - Illuminated
- 02/12/2020 - Cardboard is our new canvas
- 02/11/2020 - Alterations # 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- 02/07/2020 - Opening the drawers of the past/ Turned to the future/ Drawing in the present
- 02/06/2020 - Alteration #8
- 02/05/2020 - The Space Where We Work... Lit by the Sun
- 02/04/2020 - Very Far From Here
- 01/31/2020 - It's either an uphill or a downhill climb
- 01/30/2020 - Rogue Twins
- 01/29/2020 - Working with Perspective
- 01/28/2020 - Look Out
- 01/24/2020 - Holding a Moment of Peace
- 01/23/2020 - The Story Must Continue
- 01/22/2020 - Still Life with Black Jug
- 01/21/2020 - Sneaking out through the back door
- 01/17/2020 - A Winter's Retreat
- 01/16/2020 - Will the Real Paul Klee Please Stand Up
- 01/15/2020 - A CoRnucOpia of WoRk
- 01/14/2020 - A Meeting Place
- 01/10/2020 - As Above So Below
- 01/09/2020 - Becoming Like Children
- 01/08/2020 - Reading Music of the Day
- 01/07/2020 - Body So Full Head So Empty
- 01/03/2020 - A Parting of the Ways
- 01/02/2020 - Year Ending and Beginning
- 12/20/2019 - Evocative
- 12/19/2019 - Winter
- 12/18/2019 - William Blake Ascends to the Fourth Floor
- 12/17/2019 - The light is diminishing
- 12/13/2019 - Christmas is Coming...
- 12/12/2019 - I Can't Believe It's Already December 12!
- 12/11/2019 - Surprised by Light
- 12/10/2019 - Coming Out of Hiding
- 12/07/2019 - Sorry for Our Absence
- 12/03/2019 - Looking For The Way Through
- 11/29/2019 - Not Sure if We are Going Up or Down
- 11/28/2019 - Four Faces Sleeping with Eyes Open
- 11/27/2019 - Friends
- 11/26/2019 - As the Sun Moves
- 11/22/2019 - Visions Fugitives
- 11/21/2019 - This Is The Book That We Built
- 11/20/2019 - Gone Fishing
- 11/19/2019 - Do You Ever Wonder?
- 11/15/2019 - Spinning
- 11/14/2019 - The Mystery of Time
- 11/13/2019 - Onlookers
- 11/12/2019 - Meeting Whale
- 11/08/2019 - Inside
- 11/07/2019 - The Leaves Are Telling Time
- 11/06/2019 - Meeting with the Degas Dancers
- 11/05/2019 - Wondering Where We Are Going
- 11/01/2019 - All Soul's Day
- 10/31/2019 - Between the Worlds
- 10/30/2019 - Red Music
- 10/29/2019 - Erasing the Surround
- 10/25/2019 - Mags in the Bags
- 10/24/2019 - MEMBERS ONLY
- 10/23/2019 - Listening
- 10/22/2019 - Like A Bird On A Wire
- 10/18/2019 - On Our Way to the Weekend
- 10/17/2019 - What is it to wait?
- 10/16/2019 - Puddle Gazing
- 10/15/2019 - Today's Meeting
- 10/11/2019 - Happy Thanksgiving from All of Us Here
- 10/10/2019 - A Red Flag Day
- 10/09/2019 - Into The Woods
- 10/08/2019 - Which Way is Up?
- 10/04/2019 - Mirror, mirror on the ground... (better late then never)
- 10/03/2019 - Constructing A 'Plane' Language
- 10/02/2019 - On One Side or the Other
- 10/01/2019 - What is Art?
- 09/27/2019 - Trying to Remember Who Am I
- 09/26/2019 - Light is Woven Through the Darkness
- 09/25/2019 - Looking Out from Inside
- 09/24/2019 - A Journey
- 09/20/2019 - Singing the End of Summer Blues
- 09/19/2019 - GONE FISHING
- 09/18/2019 - Stepping Out
- 09/17/2019 - Sometimes there are no words
- 09/13/2019 - Wondering what next to do with cardboard
- 09/12/2019 - Not stepping off the triangle, not taking any risks...
- 09/11/2019 - Summer Returns
- 09/10/2019 - Trying to Make it Float
- 09/06/2019 - Wind Blown
- 09/05/2019 - Putting Out the Fire
- 09/04/2019 - Today Sae'n'I are Ship Building
- 09/03/2019 - The world is even more mysterious than anything we can imagine
- 08/30/2019 - Make sure to play your cards right.
- 08/29/2019 - Open to Interpretation
- 08/28/2019 - Big Little Landscapes
- 08/27/2019 - Well, the plants are happy...
- 08/22/2019 - Savouring the Last Bite
- 08/22/2019 - L o y a l t y
- 08/21/2019 - Unwinding
- 08/20/2019 - This is How it Looks Today
- 08/15/2019 - Sunny with the chance of cloud
- 08/15/2019 - The Passion of Red
- 08/14/2019 - Almost Full
- 08/13/2019 - Meditating on the Wheels of Life
- 08/09/2019 - La la la, la la
- 08/08/2019 - Stepping Carefully Through the Day
- 08/07/2019 - Stations of a Cross
- 08/06/2019 - Hawk Landing
- 08/01/2019 - A Circle of Inspiration
- 08/01/2019 - Today We Meet Cezanne
- 07/31/2019 - Feet on the Ground
- 07/30/2019 - Holding On By A Thread
- 07/26/2019 - Waiting for the Calm to Enter
- 07/25/2019 - Not Sure if I Should be Walking or Flying ???
- 07/24/2019 - Being Inside of Something Bigger
- 07/23/2019 - Playing the Ivory Keys
- 07/19/2019 - Breathing Under Stress
- 07/18/2019 - Receiving what Comes
- 07/17/2019 - What's Next?
- 07/16/2019 - Seeing something in the distance
- 07/11/2019 - weather
- 07/10/2019 - Hot
- 07/05/2019 - Two Sides of the Same Story
- 07/04/2019 - From the Stairwell to the Gallery
- 07/03/2019 - Artists Together
- 07/02/2019 - Today we welcome our two friends from France... Welcome!
- 06/28/2019 - Making progress but somewhat slowwwwly
- 06/27/2019 - Waiting for the week to end
- 06/26/2019 - Today The Three Girls Go To The Water Park
- 06/25/2019 - Building a Place To Be
- 06/21/2019 - Waiting for the Parade
- 06/20/2019 - To and From / Arrivals and Departures
- 06/19/2019 - Flying through Water, Swimming through Air
- 06/18/2019 - Folded Paper
- 06/14/2019 - The Book of Shows Past
- 06/13/2019 - It's a long ride from Japan to Toronto..
- 06/12/2019 - All Things Growing
- 06/11/2019 - Artists Reunion
- 06/06/2019 - Preparing for Visitors
- 06/06/2019 - Keeping an Eye on the Girls
- 06/05/2019 - If it Keeps Raining...
- 06/04/2019 - The Trojan Horse
- 05/31/2019 - Hiding in Plain Sight - A Weekend Retreat
- 05/30/2019 - Knock, knock, who's there?
- 05/29/2019 - Timelines
- 05/28/2019 - Windswept...
- 05/24/2019 - Have a Weekend
- 05/23/2019 - Finally!
- 05/22/2019 - The Expression of Today
- 05/21/2019 - Working from Home
- 05/17/2019 - Sending Letters to the Ancestors
- 05/16/2019 - Our Latest... art storage solutions and spring installation
- 05/15/2019 - Three Sisters
- 05/14/2019 - We Have Lift-Off
- 05/10/2019 - You are most cordially invited to attend...
- 05/09/2019 - sHAPed bY tHe sPacE
- 05/08/2019 - Climbing to the Top
- 05/07/2019 - Stop and Go
- 05/03/2019 - The Past and Present Meet
- 05/02/2019 - A Tall Small Room
- 05/01/2019 - Chas and Dog Pat
- 04/30/2019 - Steps Away From Crossing Over
- 04/26/2019 - Sitting in the Library Warmed by the Sun
- 04/25/2019 - Follow the Angle
- 04/24/2019 - Returning to life
- 04/23/2019 - Rising
- 04/19/2019 - The Story Lives When We Remember
- 04/18/2019 - Protecting the Space
- 04/17/2019 - Good Day Sunshine
- 04/16/2019 - Echoes, the colour of sound singing
- 04/12/2019 - Unpacking the weekend
- 04/11/2019 - Cockle-Doodle Doo!
- 04/10/2019 - Alleluia Chorus
- 04/09/2019 - Sae'n'I - In the same dream
- 04/04/2019 - "Do You Want to Say Anything?"
- 04/04/2019 - Face-Off
- 04/03/2019 - 'Merrily We Roll Along'
- 04/02/2019 - Planted
- 03/29/2019 - Balancing the Ball
- 03/28/2019 - The Path Between
- 03/27/2019 - Spring Cleaning
- 03/26/2019 - Beginnings
- 03/22/2019 - Life Is Many Layered
- 03/21/2019 - A picture is worth a thousand words
- 03/20/2019 - Tuning to Spring
- 03/19/2019 - Outside/Inside
- 03/15/2019 - Colour is in the Air...
- 03/14/2019 - In the Queue
- 03/13/2019 - A Birthday Wish in 3 Dimensions
- 03/12/2019 - This is where I want to be tonight
- 03/08/2019 - A Creative Response
- 03/07/2019 - As the Sun Sets...
- 03/06/2019 - Towards the Light...
- 03/05/2019 - Question without an answer
- 03/01/2019 - Somewhere spring is waking
- 02/28/2019 - Waiting for a Different Bus
- 02/27/2019 - In the Ruins of History...
- 02/26/2019 - Looking for a map to help us find our way
- 02/22/2019 - Seen from Above...
- 02/21/2019 - Not Too Far From the Maddening Crowd
- 02/20/2019 - Learning from those who love winter
- 02/19/2019 - Full Moon Rising
- 02/15/2019 - A Fish Out of Water...
- 02/14/2019 - Love is in the Eye of the Beholder
- 02/13/2019 - Either Side of the Door
- 02/12/2019 - Today was Declared a Snow Day
- 02/07/2019 - Continuing with the Momentum of Change
- 02/07/2019 - Order Invites Beauty
- 02/06/2019 - Real Life is Often Better than Fantasy
- 02/05/2019 - Chaos Comes Before Order
- 02/01/2019 - Introducing our latest video... Counting on a Miracle
- 01/31/2019 - The Poetry of Objects
- 01/30/2019 - Windows of Ice
- 01/29/2019 - Still in the Midst of the Storm
- 01/25/2019 - You are Invited
- 01/24/2019 - Trying for Exactness
- 01/23/2019 - 'What Are We Waiting For?
- 01/22/2019 - The Show Must Come Down
- 01/18/2019 - Over and Under
- 01/17/2019 - Picasso Thursday
- 01/16/2019 - Seeing from Every Angle
- 01/15/2019 - The Whole is More Than the Sum of Its Parts
- 01/10/2019 - Expecting Snow
- 01/10/2019 - Cold Enough to See Your Breath
- 01/09/2019 - Winter Without Snow...
- 01/08/2019 - Just in Time
- 01/04/2019 - The Little House that Could...
- 01/03/2019 - Guardians of the Space
- 01/02/2019 - Sharing Red
- 12/21/2018 - Blue
- 12/20/2018 - The Book of Eight
- 12/19/2018 - The Book of One
- 12/18/2018 - Cold and Bright/Sharp and Kind
- 12/14/2018 - The Boiler Room
- 12/13/2018 - Giddy-up and Whoa
- 12/12/2018 - Hats and Gloves
- 12/11/2018 - Trying to Find the Way
- 12/07/2018 - All Wrapped Up and Nowhere to Go
- 12/06/2018 - The Hat Matters
- 12/05/2018 - Walking in a Winter Wonderland
- 12/04/2018 - Beneath the Stair Sculpture Studio
- 11/30/2018 - Birds of a Feather...
- 11/29/2018 - All the World's a Stage...
- 11/28/2018 - Interrogated by Light
- 11/27/2018 - A Winter Poem
- 11/22/2018 - Good Will to All
- 11/22/2018 - Back to Back (we've got each other covered)
- 11/21/2018 - Today we Welcome the Sun
- 11/20/2018 - In and out of Focus
- 11/16/2018 - On the other side of now...
- 11/15/2018 - Waiting for the Snow
- 11/14/2018 - Trying to fit a lot on our plate
- 11/13/2018 - Trying to Find Water
- 11/09/2018 - A Work in Process
- 11/08/2018 - Holding Possibility
- 11/07/2018 - Divine Order
- 11/06/2018 - When it Rains it Pours
- 11/02/2018 - Dia de los Muertos The Day of the Dead
- 11/01/2018 - Somewhere on an Island Far Away
- 10/31/2018 - Trick or Treat
- 10/30/2018 - Discombobulated
- 10/26/2018 - Neighbours
- 10/25/2018 - Alive
- 10/24/2018 - If only we could fly...
- 10/23/2018 - Feeding the pigeons
- 10/19/2018 - Corduroy
- 10/18/2018 - Alita ( truthful one)
- 10/17/2018 - Choir
- 10/16/2018 - An Excursion
- 10/12/2018 - Living Stone
- 10/11/2018 - Singing the Japanese Blues
- 10/10/2018 - Returning
- 10/06/2018 - A Patch of Sun
- 10/05/2018 - between two worlds
- 10/05/2018 - the five faces of Floyd
- 09/22/2018 - Taking Root, Here and There
- 09/14/2018 - Journeys
- 09/13/2018 - Exploring the Depths
- 09/12/2018 - Introducing our resident sculptor and rock star...
- 09/11/2018 - The Space Calls the Show
- 09/07/2018 - Ok, Let's get this over with
- 09/06/2018 - The Winds of Change are Blowing
- 09/05/2018 - Wondering which end is up?
- 09/04/2018 - A little bit scary, a little bit risky
- 08/31/2018 - The Marriage of Dark and Light
- 08/30/2018 - The Secret is Out
- 08/29/2018 - Inspiration is a well kept secret
- 08/28/2018 - Robot or Puppet?
- 08/24/2018 - Focus
- 08/23/2018 - Staying Afloat
- 08/22/2018 - The Posture of Those Who Work
- 08/21/2018 - Let the Rain Fall
- 08/17/2018 - Spinning Towards the Present
- 08/16/2018 - Travelling Into the Past
- 08/15/2018 - We've Got the Second Hand Blues
- 08/14/2018 - the sound of one hand clapping
- 08/10/2018 - HAAAaaaaah!
- 08/09/2018 - Call to Duty
- 08/08/2018 - Family Reunion
- 08/07/2018 - Finding Language
- 08/03/2018 - Inside the Room
- 08/02/2018 - tHe dePth of uNknowIng
- 08/01/2018 - A Place I Want to Go To
- 07/31/2018 - Acts I , II and III
- 07/27/2018 - Three Days to Get Through
- 07/26/2018 - Trying to Find the Line
- 07/25/2018 - Finding a Rock
- 07/24/2018 - The Three Muskateers (in disguise)
- 07/20/2018 - Becoming the Space Between...
- 07/19/2018 - Leaning Towards the Center
- 07/18/2018 - Smalls
- 07/17/2018 - Today's Theatre
- 07/13/2018 - A Different Saturday Outing
- 07/12/2018 - Sorry, but today we're just exhausted
- 07/11/2018 - Opening a Box of Colour
- 07/10/2018 - Caprese Salad
- 07/06/2018 - Friends and Artists Together
- 07/05/2018 - Layers
- 07/04/2018 - The Depth of Language
- 07/03/2018 - Ruled by Weather
- 06/29/2018 - Framed
- 06/28/2018 - "I have the ball"
- 06/27/2018 - Mood Indigo
- 06/26/2018 - From One to Many
- 06/22/2018 - Where's the Parade?
- 06/21/2018 - Looking for and Finding
- 06/20/2018 - The Colour of a Question
- 06/19/2018 - All the World's a Stage
- 06/15/2018 - A Symphony of Lines
- 06/14/2018 - Moved by Light and Each Other
- 06/13/2018 - In Different Places Under the Same Sky
- 06/12/2018 - A Place to Sit
- 06/08/2018 - The Language of Friends
- 06/07/2018 - Taking Each Other for a Walk
- 06/05/2018 - Carrying our Prayers Heavenward
- 06/05/2018 - Repetitive and Random
- 06/01/2018 - Asking to be with myself
- 05/31/2018 - You seeing me seeing you
- 05/30/2018 - Just Looking for a bit of Shade
- 05/29/2018 - Alive
- 05/25/2018 - Walking Away from the Week
- 05/24/2018 - Waiting for the Light to Change
- 05/23/2018 - Before the Wind Makes a Wish
- 05/22/2018 - The Next Move
- 05/18/2018 - Between Inside and Out
- 05/17/2018 - Lost on the Street
- 05/16/2018 - Finding the Rabbit (today's hunt for inspiration)
- 05/15/2018 - Shining a Light
- 05/11/2018 - We are calling this door Friday...
- 05/10/2018 - An Open Handed Gesture
- 05/09/2018 - Finding the Path
- 05/08/2018 - Now What?
- 05/04/2018 - Closing the Gap
- 05/03/2018 - Cropped Short Stories
- 05/02/2018 - The Tools of the Trade
- 05/01/2018 - All the Better to See You With
- 04/27/2018 - Trusting the Other
- 04/26/2018 - Sensing the Arrival of Green
- 04/25/2018 - Up Coming Event
- 04/24/2018 - Brushes in Motion
- 04/20/2018 - Trying not to be Grey
- 04/19/2018 - A Sliver of Blue
- 04/18/2018 - Pink Forecast
- 04/17/2018 - The Ice Queen Cometh
- 04/12/2018 - Enter the Space
- 04/12/2018 - Walking in the Rain
- 04/11/2018 - Artists Together
- 04/10/2018 - Mirror, mirror on the floor...
- 04/06/2018 - Anyone for a cup 'a tea?
- 04/05/2018 - Propelled into Space
- 04/04/2018 - Puzzling the Pieces to Come Together
- 04/03/2018 - The Rhythm of Repetition
- 03/30/2018 - The First Robin of Spring
- 03/29/2018 - The Story of Easter Begins
- 03/28/2018 - We Enter the Space...
- 03/27/2018 - Artists Together
- 03/23/2018 - Against All Odds
- 03/22/2018 - The Title Unknown
- 03/21/2018 - The ON Button is Pushed...
- 03/20/2018 - Wondering Which Way to Go
- 03/16/2018 - Returning to One
- 03/15/2018 - An Agreement to be Moved
- 03/14/2018 - Moving from Chaos to Order
- 03/13/2018 - Hanging by a thread...
- 03/09/2018 - A stroke of the hand...
- 03/08/2018 - Playing a Song of Green
- 03/07/2018 - Ed and Gina Go to the Theatre
- 03/06/2018 - Listening
- 03/02/2018 - A Gift of Flowers
- 03/01/2018 - One Step at a Time
- 02/28/2018 - A Shadow Map
- 02/27/2018 - Enter at Your Own Risk
- 02/23/2018 - And in my Heart...
- 02/22/2018 - Flowering in my Head
- 02/21/2018 - Meetings
- 02/20/2018 - Sweet Remembering
- 02/16/2018 - Finding Home
- 02/15/2018 - It's a Matter of Scale
- 02/14/2018 - New Life
- 02/13/2018 - Sculpted by the Weather
- 02/09/2018 - Indigo Dream
- 02/08/2018 - Windows
- 02/07/2018 - Don't Touch
- 02/06/2018 - Many Hands Make Light Work
- 02/02/2018 - As the Moon Wanes
- 02/01/2018 - Into the Deep
- 01/31/2018 - Rare Super Blue Blood Moon Rising!
- 01/30/2018 - Far From the Maddening Crowd
- 01/26/2018 - It's Your Move
- 01/25/2018 - The Beauty of Cold
- 01/24/2018 - Just Out of Reach
- 01/23/2018 - Looking at life from both sides
- 01/19/2018 - I could play with you but I don't wanna
- 01/18/2018 - Theatre of Opposites
- 01/17/2018 - We are back in the saddle...
- 01/16/2018 - Shadows in a Rice Field
- 01/11/2018 - The Fish Has Flown
- 01/10/2018 - Looking to Get Hooked
- 01/06/2018 - somewhere it is spring
- 01/05/2018 - Deerly Beloved
- 01/01/2018 - Happy New Year
- 12/27/2017 - Gone Fishing
- 12/22/2017 - Merry Christmas to All and To All A Good Night
- 12/21/2017 - I Wonder as I Wander
- 12/20/2017 - A Little in the Shadow A Little in the Light
- 12/19/2017 - ONe FoRty FivE
- 12/15/2017 - Everything tells me Something
- 12/14/2017 - Wondering Which Way is Up
- 12/13/2017 - Footprints in the Snow
- 12/12/2017 - It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
- 12/08/2017 - Confessions from the Work Place
- 12/07/2017 - Learning to Float is a Life Saver
- 12/06/2017 - Six Steps of Learning to Float
- 12/05/2017 - Cradling the Egg
- 12/01/2017 - Hello December
- 11/30/2017 - Inside the Prism
- 11/29/2017 - One and Many
- 11/28/2017 - Dispersed
- 11/24/2017 - Here
- 11/23/2017 - Can We See the Wind?
- 11/22/2017 - Towards Horizon's Line
- 11/21/2017 - Wrestling with Illusions of Grandeur
- 11/17/2017 - In and Out of Focus
- 11/16/2017 - Land Ahoy!
- 11/15/2017 - Sharing the Job
- 11/14/2017 - Transparent
- 11/10/2017 - The First Glimpse of Winter
- 11/09/2017 - Inside the Story of Shmo
- 11/08/2017 - This is Bonnie, my new best friend
- 11/07/2017 - Undercover
- 11/03/2017 - Somewhere Above the Tree Line
- 11/02/2017 - A Little Bit Tangled in the Branches
- 11/01/2017 - Looking to See What's Ahead
- 10/31/2017 - Returning with a Memory of Saguaro
- 10/27/2017 - Prowling Towards Halloween
- 10/25/2017 - Framed
- 10/25/2017 - A Story of What Was
- 10/24/2017 - Music to Look At
- 10/19/2017 - You are invited...
- 10/19/2017 - Building a Painting
- 10/18/2017 - A Work In Progress
- 10/17/2017 - On The Path Forward
- 10/13/2017 - It's the Weekend... Let's Kick Up Our Heels
- 10/12/2017 - Finding Form and Climbing Ladders
- 10/11/2017 - Close Up and Far Away
- 10/10/2017 - It Looks Like Someone Dropped the Bag
- 10/06/2017 - From All of Us to All of You...!
- 10/05/2017 - A Kiss
- 10/04/2017 - Red Foot Pigeon Theatre
- 10/03/2017 - New Beginnings
- 09/29/2017 - DO NOT DISTURB
- 09/28/2017 - Seeing Through Reflections
- 09/27/2017 - Small and Perfect
- 09/26/2017 - The Up North Gallery has moved into fall...
- 09/22/2017 - Holding Possibility
- 09/21/2017 - On Loan
- 09/20/2017 - The Show Must Go On
- 09/19/2017 - In the House
- 09/15/2017 - A House to Carry
- 09/14/2017 - Floating
- 09/13/2017 - Portrait of the Day
- 09/12/2017 - Counting Clouds
- 09/08/2017 - Looking to the Other Side
- 09/07/2017 - A conversation between forms
- 09/06/2017 - Finding Form
- 09/05/2017 - Welcome to the Secret Gallery
- 09/01/2017 - Welcome to a secret garden
- 08/31/2017 - Hail, Hail, the Gang's all Here!
- 08/30/2017 - Meeting at the watering hole
- 08/29/2017 - This is the House that I Built
- 08/25/2017 - TGIF
- 08/25/2017 - Eclipsed
- 08/24/2017 - With a pen in my hand and a story on my lap
- 08/23/2017 - Illusion
- 08/22/2017 - The Shape of Colour
- 08/18/2017 - Granting us an audience
- 08/17/2017 - Creating Order out of Chaos
- 08/16/2017 - Grounded
- 08/15/2017 - Timing is Everything
- 08/11/2017 - Not Found Yet
- 08/10/2017 - Off to look for who know's what!
- 08/09/2017 - Kissed by Light and Contentment
- 08/08/2017 - In the Sky
- 08/04/2017 - How to stay cooler
- 08/03/2017 - How to stay cool
- 08/02/2017 - Under a Little Grumpy Cloud
- 08/01/2017 - Far From the Maddening Herd
- 07/28/2017 - The World Keeps Turning
- 07/27/2017 - COSMONAUTS
- 07/26/2017 - Inside and Out
- 07/25/2017 - Just There
- 07/21/2017 - A Big Small Space
- 07/20/2017 - Places I Haven't Been Before
- 07/19/2017 - Under the Influence
- 07/18/2017 - Pete and Sae Conversing
- 07/14/2017 - A pause to sense where we are
- 07/13/2017 - Where to now?
- 07/12/2017 - Moving Forward
- 07/11/2017 - One Man's Garbage is Another Man's Treasure
- 07/06/2017 - Off to the Lake
- 07/06/2017 - An Inspiring Celebration
- 07/05/2017 - Through the Lens
- 07/04/2017 - Black Dog
- 07/01/2017 - Looking at life from both sides
- 06/29/2017 - All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go
- 06/29/2017 - Borrowed
- 06/28/2017 - Framed
- 06/27/2017 - Sparrow
- 06/23/2017 - TGFF Thank Goodness For Friends
- 06/22/2017 - Introducing Shmo
- 06/21/2017 - Not Giving Up
- 06/20/2017 - Living is courageous
- 06/15/2017 - Inviting you to look
- 06/15/2017 - Looking Down
- 06/14/2017 - Looking Up
- 06/13/2017 - Unfolding Father Time
- 06/09/2017 - Something to be found
- 06/08/2017 - What Changes and What Remains?
- 06/07/2017 - Pigeon Theatre
- 06/06/2017 - Hanging in Limbo
- 06/02/2017 - Les Demoiselles d'Arcturus
- 06/01/2017 - Placed
- 05/31/2017 - Bonne fête
- 05/30/2017 - Kitsune no yomeiri
- 05/26/2017 - Life is a Miracle
- 05/25/2017 - 'It's Raining, It's Pouring...'
- 05/24/2017 - Spin Dry
- 05/23/2017 - Seen Through
- 05/19/2017 - Soaring
- 05/18/2017 - Who has seen the wind?
- 05/17/2017 - Rhythmic Harmonies
- 05/16/2017 - As Above So Below
- 05/13/2017 - She Who Knows
- 05/12/2017 - Black and White
- 05/11/2017 - Full moon rising
- 05/10/2017 - On an even keel
- 05/09/2017 - Drifting
- 05/05/2017 - You are Invited...
- 05/04/2017 - Feet and Inches
- 05/03/2017 - The Red Shoes
- 05/02/2017 - Circling
- 04/28/2017 - Chance of Thunderstorms
- 04/27/2017 - The beginning of something new
- 04/26/2017 - In it but not of it
- 04/25/2017 - Tip Toeing Through the Tulips
- 04/21/2017 - The Measure Of..
- 04/20/2017 - Signed, sealed and delivered
- 04/19/2017 - Reclining Figure
- 04/18/2017 - Here and There
- 04/14/2017 - Intersection and Ascension
- 04/13/2017 - Eyes on the ceiling
- 04/12/2017 - The Warp and the Weft
- 04/11/2017 - Full Moon Rising
- 04/07/2017 - Japanese Street Musician 1870
- 04/06/2017 - Rainy Day
- 04/05/2017 - A Movement and a Waiting
- 04/04/2017 - The Yellow Light
- 03/31/2017 - You are invited to...
- 03/30/2017 - As Above... So Below
- 03/29/2017 - Handmade
- 03/28/2017 - Waiting for the Arrow
- 03/24/2017 - Wet
- 03/23/2017 - Hand me downs
- 03/22/2017 - Constructing a work space
- 03/21/2017 - Side by side
- 03/17/2017 - Getting Better
- 03/16/2017 - Orange you glad you're not sick!
- 03/15/2017 - Nothing is as it seems
- 03/14/2017 - In the box but not of it
- 03/10/2017 - What changes and what stays the same?
- 03/09/2017 - Today we are four
- 03/08/2017 - W E L C O M E
- 03/07/2017 - Friends
- 03/03/2017 - Into the sunset
- 03/02/2017 - Through the doorway
- 03/01/2017 - The act of creating
- 02/28/2017 - Remembering
- 02/24/2017 - Hand
- 02/23/2017 - A story of three
- 02/22/2017 - Foggy morning at the Brick Works
- 02/21/2017 - Seen
- 02/17/2017 - Drawing a line on the floor
- 02/16/2017 - The birth of language
- 02/15/2017 - walking on clouds
- 02/14/2017 - Happy Valentine's Day
- 02/10/2017 - The Language of Objects
- 02/09/2017 - The Language of Gesture
- 02/08/2017 - Slippery When Wet!
- 02/07/2017 - The Travelers
- 02/03/2017 - Notes on a string
- 02/02/2017 - Still in the engine room
- 02/01/2017 - Welcome to the 'engine room' (where things get started)
- 01/31/2017 - So many I's
- 01/27/2017 - A long climb
- 01/26/2017 - Meeting someone from the past
- 01/25/2017 - Where are we?
- 01/24/2017 - Today
- 01/20/2017 - Looking with eyes wide open
- 01/19/2017 - There and back again
- 01/18/2017 - A triad of opposites...
- 01/17/2017 - Passing on the news
- 01/10/2017 - At the station
- 01/06/2017 - If only I had wings
- 01/05/2017 - A conversation between us
- 01/04/2017 - View from my room
- 01/03/2017 - Lighting the way
- 12/27/2016 - A blessing for the new year
- 12/23/2016 - Looking up
- 12/23/2016 - This is the feeling that we are looking for
- 12/22/2016 - Put on your party hat, giddy-up and go!
- 12/21/2016 - Different ways of seeing
- 12/20/2016 - Books and mice don't rhyme
- 12/16/2016 - End of the year Open House
- 12/15/2016 - THIS WAY UP
- 12/14/2016 - Higher up and farther in
- 12/13/2016 - Stop the ride I wanna get off
- 12/09/2016 - Just rolling along...
- 12/08/2016 - All you need is light
- 12/07/2016 - 'Tis the season...'
- 12/06/2016 - ...and we are still holding on
- 12/02/2016 - It's a fine thread
- 12/01/2016 - simple but not easy
- 11/30/2016 - Three faces
- 11/29/2016 - Alchemy
- 11/25/2016 - Looking from many sides
- 11/24/2016 - What leads to questioning?
- 11/23/2016 - Held Within
- 11/22/2016 - Three portraits, with smoke and mirrors and listening
- 11/18/2016 - Sculpted in Light (and TGIF)
- 11/17/2016 - Unexpected Visitors
- 11/16/2016 - I love working here
- 11/15/2016 - Obstacles along the way
- 11/11/2016 - Remembering
- 11/10/2016 - A Visitation
- 11/09/2016 - A couple of chairs
- 11/08/2016 - Mistakes are the mother of invention
- 11/04/2016 - Holding Possibility
- 11/03/2016 - Friends walking under bridges.
- 11/02/2016 - For every light there is a shadow
- 11/01/2016 - Keep your eye on the ball!
- 10/28/2016 - Saturday is the Reception, please come!
- 10/27/2016 - Lost and Found
- 10/26/2016 - Somewhere
- 10/25/2016 - Looking for red
- 10/21/2016 - A feeling of contentment
- 10/20/2016 - nnneeh!! (the sound an Irritant makes)
- 10/19/2016 - Which end is up?
- 10/18/2016 - Pointing to something
- 10/14/2016 - TGIF (or maybe not)
- 10/13/2016 - The quieting sound of one bowl ringing
- 10/12/2016 - Trying to stay on our toes
- 10/11/2016 - What is a Necessity?
- 10/07/2016 - Off into the sunset...
- 10/06/2016 - Poetry
- 10/05/2016 - Observing Attention
- 10/04/2016 - Simple but not easy
- 09/30/2016 - Walking towards winter
- 09/29/2016 - Signed. sealed, delivered.
- 09/28/2016 - Strawberries are a celebration
- 09/27/2016 - Enter
- 09/23/2016 - Cool, clear, water
- 09/22/2016 - In the thicket
- 09/21/2016 - On the other side
- 09/20/2016 - Under the Weather
- 09/16/2016 - Harvest Moon
- 09/15/2016 - How do we get from here to there?
- 09/14/2016 - Peeling off the layers
- 09/13/2016 - Beginning to End
- 09/09/2016 - Providing Shelter
- 09/08/2016 - Different Occupations Same Palette
- 09/07/2016 - I see you.
- 09/06/2016 - What is Symmetry?
- 09/02/2016 - Spinning
- 09/01/2016 - In the rubble a jewel
- 08/31/2016 - The Balancing Continues...
- 08/30/2016 - Step Down to the Basement
- 08/26/2016 - From Bloom to Dust
- 08/25/2016 - Three balls, one still life
- 08/24/2016 - I got that cactus feeling...
- 08/23/2016 - The Last Ship
- 08/19/2016 - Painting the space
- 08/18/2016 - what is gravity?
- 08/17/2016 - Composing with red (A Fugue in Four Parts)
- 08/16/2016 - Outside/In
- 08/12/2016 - No regrets
- 08/11/2016 - Shades of what's to come
- 08/10/2016 - The looking itself is a trace of what we are looking for
- 08/09/2016 - Hanging in the Balance
- 08/05/2016 - The Measure of Solitude
- 08/04/2016 - "What are you doing?"... "I'm not canoeing!"
- 08/03/2016 - What is Between?
- 08/02/2016 - "Don't Make Any Sudden Moves"
- 07/29/2016 - Water, the last resort
- 07/28/2016 - Turning to face...
- 07/27/2016 - What holds the string?
- 07/26/2016 - At Rest
- 07/22/2016 - The Grateful Dead A Requiem in Four Parts
- 07/21/2016 - Wishing him a glorious departure
- 07/20/2016 - What is perfect?
- 07/19/2016 - Me and my shadow
- 07/15/2016 - Oasis
- 07/14/2016 - A Tenuous Balance
- 07/13/2016 - The Momentum of Change
- 07/12/2016 - It's About Balance
- 07/08/2016 - The Collage Site
- 07/07/2016 - Weather, you like it or not...
- 07/06/2016 - Something torn, mended
- 07/05/2016 - Curiosity
- 07/01/2016 - Animals can teach us to be human
- 06/30/2016 - Reflection
- 06/29/2016 - The Making of a Book
- 06/28/2016 - The weather has changed
- 06/24/2016 - Treasures in a bottle
- 06/23/2016 - Workmate 400
- 06/22/2016 - Taking Down the Big Tent
- 06/21/2016 - OPEN HAND
- 06/17/2016 - T G I F (the day for making videos)
- 06/16/2016 - Collaboration
- 06/15/2016 - Introducing some of the gallery family
- 06/14/2016 - Trying to feel
- 06/10/2016 - Waiting on the Stoop
- 06/09/2016 - Sedna sings
- 06/08/2016 - Morning Begins
- 06/07/2016 - Midway